It's no secret that a compelling story gives fans something to latch on to and be immersed in. Every Hollywood blockbuster movie uses the power of story to captivate an audience, why wouldn't you as a DJ or artist use this incredibly powerful tool to do the same?
If you're stuck on how to apply this to your artist project, I learned this easy framework years ago from one of my marketing agency friends Chris. It's called the story brand framework by Donald Miller. It goes like this:
- A Character (your audience)
- Has a Problem (they need to solve)
- And Meets a Guide (your project )
- Who Gives Them a Plan (your solutions)
- And Calls Them to Action (to start participating)
- That Ends in Success
- And Helps Them Avoid Failure
Did you notice it's the same exact formula a giant Hollywood movie would use? Yeah It works.
It's pretty simple, think about your project/business as a guide that gets your audience toward a common goal.
Here is the storybrand framework applied to some example careers in dance music:
Example 1: You are a music content creator that makes sample packs. Your audience is producers, that have a problem with making better music they want to solve. So they meet you the guide, a sample pack company, to give them a plan: high quality sounds, so they can start making better music that ends in success.
Example 2: You are a DJ. Your audience is music lovers, that have a problem and want to escape the grind of daily life and have fun for a night. So they meet you the guide, the DJ, to give them a plan: a great DJ set with good music, so they can dance and have fun, which ends in success.
Kinda get it now? The big pitfall artists make sometimes in music projects is making the project too much about themselves, it's ALWAYS about giving value to the audience and getting them toward a common goal or solution for their problems. Keeping this visible and clear in your project is the easiest way to build a loyal fanbase that supports you! - Henry